This toolkit contains files and documentation for the Macintosh QuarkXPress version of XTLite, the Power Macintosh QuarkXPress version of XTLite, and the Quark Publishing System (QuarkCopyDesk) version of XTLite. See the corresponding User's Guide for more information about how to use XTLite.
The enclosed User's Guides are QuarkXPress documents that can be opened by either QuarkXPress version 3.2 or version 3.3. When opening any of these files you may get the "Preferences" dialog box that states the document preferences conflict with the current QuarkXPress preferences. Select the "Keep Document Preferences" box to avoid text reflow.
The Macintosh and QPS sample projects were created with Think C, and the Power Macintosh sample projects were created with Metrowerks Code Warrior.
For additional information and details on upgrades to XTLite, please refer to the sections in the documentation regarding Technical Support and the XTensions Developer Program.
**************Version 1.0 Corrections to the User's Guide*******************
1. The last parameter name in routines writetext() and readtext() should be textcolor, not paraattribs.
2. The parameter numberofcharacters in the routine gettext() refers to the number of characters to get, not delete.
3. The documentation states that XTensions cannot add menu items to the File menu of QuarkXPress (QXP). In fact, an XTension can add menu items to any of QXP's menus, including the File menu. On the other hand, each Bulb can only add one menu item to the Utilities menu of QXP.
4. An important note about how QXP and XTLite handle resources on the Macintsoh: You may include any resources your code needs as part of your Bulb's resource fork, and QXP will ensure your Bulb is the current resource file whenever it calls it, provided all Bulb resources are numbered greater than or equal to 20000.